Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow on Santiago

Santiago Peak has been shrouded in snow for the last two weeks. So last Sunday I finally managed a trek to the top. I rode up Maple Springs with Josh and Richard, hiked over the saddle and then rode alone down upper and lower Holy Jim to Trabuco Road. I descended alone because Josh, Richard and I did an odd scramble after we passed Modjeska. It is too tedious to explain here, but I spent plenty of time waiting near the peak. To pass the time, I hiked up to the towers -tromping through the snow. The snow above the saddle was about a 8" deep, cornlike and impossible to ride (uphill). Josh reported some snow along the canopied section of Joplin as well.

Upper Holy Jim took a small hit from the last series of storms, but Lower Holy Jim rides like butter on hot biscuits. There was also plenty of water in Trabuco. I splashed my way through the culverts and arrived at my car wet and happy.

I wish I had my own photos, but my camera has been busted for some time. Josh took the nice Leni Reifenstahl-esque photo of Richard as he stood on a rock below Modjeska Peak (see above). We don't support Leni here on MBOC, but we like pictures with clouds. Shortly after posing for the photo, Richard floated back to his car. Josh and I reconvened at my car after a bit more waiting (by me) and a bit more confusion. Nobody spent the night on the peak. Next time, hopefully, we will manage to stay together.

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